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The evolutionary human being

at the heart of the social


Personal services

Social policy

Social welfare organizations

Aging population

Seniors' services

Social security




Employment has evolved with society towards services at the expense of production. Technology and robotics have transformed our relationship to employment. How to define ourselves in relation to the use of the future and what will be our role in the world of work? The disappearance of certain functions and tasks - replaced by technology - creates discrimination between individuals to find a job.




Think of bringing out the hidden talents of retraining individuals and redefining employment in the face of the new needs of the organization of work.




Create transversal and multidisciplinary integration centers to facilitate access to employment. Invent a collaborative platform by activity cluster (economic, social, environmental, technological, cultural, NGO, entrepreneur, industrial, ...) connecting applicants with the needs of the local, national and international market.




Transform the definition of employment that can be mobile, telecommuting, intrapreneur, entrepreneur, outsourcing, self-employed, shared service, to expand employability in all these new emerging forms. Organizations will be more open to different profiles including more profit sharing and allowing employees to take part in strategic decisions.




Realize an international comparison of the leading countries in the evolution of work organization and implement the best practices at the level of each country.




Conscientize organizations and citizens to the need to be open to new paradigms of employability. Wage labor will tend to be transformed in favor of a greater collaboration between responsible individuals.

Social welfare organizations

Have social welfare organizations challenged themselves and evolved with society? Have they considered the changes of mentality and the new needs of the population? The foundation of social assistance is not only financial but can also provide training and citizen involvement to empower individuals.




Think about a participatory system that includes all stakeholders in the community to find solutions that help beneficiaries to feel involved in society. Find solutions to reduce deficits by involving all social actors and beneficiaries.




Create a one-stop shop to facilitate access and reassess aid annually for possible budget adjustments. Involve beneficiaries through a platform or idea boxes to improve the system in place.




Transform the mentality of social organizations and beneficiaries towards more pro activity to undertake social, participatory and collaborative approaches, in order to involve the whole society.




Realize a transversal study of the best international programs in order to better supervise or even merge certain welfare organizations, to reduce deficits and balance budgets.




Conscientize providers and beneficiaries to their new role within society in order to be more involved in the decision-making process and to be proactive in optimizing programs.

Social Security


Social security should be a universal right to health for all. However, the increasingly expensive costs create deficits that are difficult to fill.




Think of a system of compulsory royalty of pharmaceutical companies to social security, in order to involve them socially in the well-being of the community. Introduce a ceiling on medicines referred to social security and a universal user fee.




Create a code of conduct with drug prescribers to reduce and optimize prescriptions and give the patient the exact number of prescribed pills.



Transform the mentality and the approach of the community stakeholders in order to involve them in the reduction of deficits. Implement a zero-based budget for Social Security to eliminate duplication and optimize management.



Realize savings by observing the best practices of different countries, integrating them in our management mode.




Conscientize states to the need of providing social coverage to all individuals and to balance the budget. Implant Operational Creativity Units to Social Security to bring out the best ideas of employees and stakeholders in the field to optimize management.

Personal services


Considering all the societal changes, the services to the person will become the main source of employment and sharing, the human aspect being in demand. The more technology and digital society becomes, the greater the need for relationships and sharing.



Think about valuing and highlighting personal services - being the most important employment pool for the future - that create the link between individuals and generations.




Create a platform of personal services by locality and region to facilitate all the steps (administrative, entrepreneurial, computer, disabled, elderly, people in distress) ... in order to federate the social bond and the sense of belonging. Design a collaborative platform for migratory and climate emergencies.


Transform the perception of the services to the person, which humanize society and give meaning, through a campaign of valorization of the various services targeting the whole society.



Realize an academy of the best personal services at the international level and implement them at the local and national level.



Conscientize citizens to participate actively in personal services by creating services exchanges. Sensitize the states and stakeholders of the sector on the importance of their role in maintaining the societal balance.

Social Policy


As more and more people are left behind and isolated, it is necessary to integrate them into an evolutionary social policy so that they feel part of society. Everyone has a role to play and it is important to recognize and value it.



Think about a system of integration and reconversion so that individuals can reintegrate through training and can produce concrete actions for their personal development and the common good.




Create a one-stop shop for all available social supports to facilitate access. Optimize the operation of the network and verify the validity of requests through artificial intelligence.




Transform social policy by involving beneficiaries so that they can give back to society according to their talents, valuing them and recognizing their contribution to the community.




Realize an inventory of the management of social policies in each country and draw lessons to reduce deficits and ensure the adequacy and optimization of aid.



Conscientize organizations, governments and citizens to the value of changing the social welfare approach so that the system is inclusive and participatory so that people feel involved in societal progress.

Aging of the population


Society has a duty and responsibility towards the elderly. We must consider and integrate them into our daily lives at all levels (family, organizational, entrepreneurial) because they fully contribute to society and pass on their experience to other generations.



Think about reintegrating seniors into our modern societies. Let us consider them as active people who can contribute to the growth of the economy, as referents, mentors and sponsors, by building bridges between the generations.




Create a profile for seniors to help them invent their lives based on their former activity or new dreams. Organize meetings and seminars on the creativity of seniors. Group together all good practices and create a contest on the most relevant suggestions for the transformation and evolution of society.


Transform organizations so that they retain, value and integrate seniors as referents and mentors. Develop an integration strategy for them based on the actual needs of each organization. Create a senior job pool between job seekers and available resources to create a symbiosis with the company and allow them to maintain social ties.



Realize an analysis of the success of integration of the elderly in the social, economic, environmental, cultural field by country. Capitalize on the strengths of countries that have understood the integration of the elderly (in Japan seniors are integrated into the workplace).




Conscientize the workplace and society to the benefits of integrating seniors into all stages of societal change, for their direct contribution to the economy, to volunteering, to associations and inter generational.

Seniors' Services


Accompany seniors in the transition between their professional life and their new life. Enable them to acquire new skills for their physical and intellectual well-being.




Think about passing on tools that allow older people to maintain their physical and psychological autonomy. Design an awareness program for the preservation of health. Extend the target of fitness centers to seniors so that they feel integrated and offer them dedicated programs.



Create an awareness campaign to open up seniors to facilitate their integration, to develop their creativity and dynamism to value them and allow them to maintain their autonomy. Provide coaches to seniors in order to capitalize on their latent potential.




Transform the mentalities of organizations to integrate their older staff and build a bridge with newcomers. Create a network of retirees in organizations to benefit from the transmission of their experience and keep the link. Develop an inter generational methodology to ensure that knowledge transfer is carried out optimally.



Realize a study of countries whose seniors are the most dynamic, active and healthy, in order to be inspired and implement good practices.




Conscientize seniors to the importance of their inter generational role, social link and balance with the whole society.


Reinvent unions' approach in order to be more participatory and collaborative. Working and social conditions have evolved at the international level and the demands of employees also. The labor market has changed dramatically with technology, job opportunities have changed and unions need to adapt.




Think about reinventing the founding principle of unionism, to bring greater openness to today's and tomorrow's world, so that everyone benefits.



Create independent mediators who can intervene in the negotiation process to avoid conflict and bring goodwill.



Transform syndicalist mindset towards co-management and collaboration in order to be part of the decision-making process of the management of the company.



Realize a comparison of the best international trade union and employer practices in order to benefit the greatest number.



Conscientize employers and unions to the value of working hand-in-hand for the well-being of employees and organizations. Privilege mediation to avoid conflict.

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