The evolutionary human being
at the heart of institutions
National governments
Provincial & States governments
Institutions undergo major transformations through the digital switch over and the evolution of society. It is necessary to reconnect institutions with citizens for the collective well-being.
Think of evolutionary institutions that place the Human at the heart of their development by creating bridges with civil society.
Create a system of mediation between institutions and citizens to trace the best ideas from the field to improve their functioning and the daily lives of individuals.
Transform the rigid approach of institutions towards more dialogue and openness, in order to adapt to the new challenges of society. Increase the efficiency of the institutions so that they respect short deadlines, by simplifying and reducing the procedural codes.
Realize a comparison of best practices at the global institutional level and spread them at the national and local levels.
Conscientize institutions to the evolution necessary to achieve so that they reflect society. Demystify institutions in order to humanize them.
Provincial and state governments
The provincial or state governments will undergo a great transformation by their over-indebtedness and that of the national governments. The gaps between the social strata create complex conflicts to be solved, misunderstandings and the rise of extremes. This transformation will lead governments to redefine their role and mission on a balanced budget basis while cohabiting and respecting national governments.
Think about the objectives and missions to be accomplished as a government with their local specificities while being part of a whole. Become the exemplary link between citizens and regional management, developing a common mission based on new parameters, the real needs of Life and respect for differences and the ecosystem.
Create new evolutionary structures to rationalize existing services by merging critical business activities into everyday life to balance budgets. Involve all civil servants in the redesign of the budget system through consultation of the best ideas. Determine the traceability of the budget envelopes by communicating the assignments and supporting documents to the citizens.
Transform the management of governments for greater transparency and accountability, in order to eliminate the administrative and organizational superfluity. The government or state should resume its role of catalyst by developing Operational Creativity Units allowing all civil servants and citizens to express themselves, in order to be part of the management of their region. Foster proximity between public servants, citizens and businesses to meet their real needs.
Realize national and international meetings around best government practices or states facing the challenges of today and tomorrow - identity, migration, social, budgetary, environmental, technological - and formulate a universal code of ethics directly related to the real needs of Life, which can be the example and the forefront of change.
Conscientize governments or states to assert their autonomy while being part of a nation, by creating bridges. Sensitize the members of the governments to watch the best practices at the international level so as to be inspired by them. Develop a code of ethics or deontology based on the needs of Life in order to become evolutionary governments.
Through the transformation of today's world, Justice will be confronted with its history. No judicial system will resist the evolution of the humankind, it will have to adapt to the real needs of Life and provide concrete solutions to a collective well-being based on the true human values of life and the four kingdoms.
Think about a fundamental overhaul of the laws in order to capitalize on the development of new social, environmental and cultural paradigms allowing a fairer justice for all. The court system is based on solving surface problems only instead of resolving fundamental problems. Develop new laws according to the natural laws of Life by including the sum of the lived experiences of the stakeholders in order to elaborate laws coherent with the Life. Update all the laws and eliminate the unjustified ones in order to develop new ones better adapted to the real situations of Life.
Create a center of prospective creativity to nourish Justice, allowing it to be proactive in relation to current events, for the collective well-being. Develop laws in harmony with Life and the establishment of new structures adapted to current needs. Create a new evolutionary legal code based on the real needs of Life.
Transform the organization of justice so that there is more equity, without discriminatory justice towards the Human and Life. The righteousness of justice has been deviated from its original purpose based on common sense and the laws of life. Develop laws and regulations essential to universal well-being. Revise the system according to the laws governing Life.
Realize an international judicial strategic plan developed by a network involving all the countries of the world to legislate on global universal laws to build a white paper of good practices. Bring the best laws by country and merge best practices that can bring universal well-being.
Conscientize current justice to the awakening of the consciousness of humans and organizations to a collective well-being. All laws and regulations should make the Human aware of his responsibilities to develop universal laws from the normal course of Life.
Municipalities are the public organizations closest to the citizens. Their reason for being should be to reveal the talents of all citizens in order to take part actively to the development of their city for a collective well-being. Involve people in decision-making through citizen participation.
Think about their role and mission within the local community to adapt to new paradigms of tomorrow. Develop a reflection-action table formed by stakeholders from different sectors to bring back the best ideas, to put them in place. Take stock of concrete actions and work carried out during the term of office with a balance sheet before / after.
Create a center of creativity and innovation that involves all the inhabitants of the municipality. Cities have a lot of unused potential. Citizens focus on administrative and financial problems instead of looking at the creative potential within them and inventing the city of tomorrow. Develop conferences on creativity and instill a new municipal citizen movement to empower individuals to participate in the development of their city.
Transform the approach of the management of Town Halls so that they are more proactive and involved in the lives of citizens at the social, economic, environmental, budgetary, cultural and technological levels. Develop a motivation program to find common goals between private companies, municipal management and citizens to contribute to a collective well-being.
Realize an international sponsorship system between municipalities to obtain information crucial to their economic, social, environmental, technological and local cultural development. This sponsorship will provide communication tools and links between cities, through international conferences and videos, allowing each to describe its strengths and characteristics, in order to make a direct contribution to a universal collective well being.
Conscientize municipalities to their key role as a link with the citizen at the social level, as a societal moderator and as a precursor on the implementation of pilot ideas. Be an actor of change by trusting citizens' ideas, by encouraging them to participate actively in the management of their city.
National governments
National governments are in a financial stalemate based on the illusion of indebtedness created and managed by themselves. This indebtedness has contributed to individuals' dependence on all the creative and evolutionary means they can use to develop their autonomy. As debt repayment capacity has reached its peak, governments will face a deadlock and will have to respond to new paradigms that will make them more aware of their evolution by giving hope to citizens.
Think of a supranational think tank to visualize societal, environmental and technological trends in order to associate them in adequacy with the Human, Organization and Life. Government thinking, blinded by debt concerns and budget cuts, does not prepare the avenue for societal transformation. Establish the new universal challenges that the present world will have to overcome tomorrow.
Create a budget program founded on a zero-based annual budget, justify each government expenditure in order to eliminate the organizational and structural surplus to achieve a balanced budget; if not, the government could be put under guardianship by a committee of wise people whose role would be the critical and evolutionary analysis of the real needs of governments.
Transform the government's approach by creating a Department of Creativity that would oversee all departments, to bring together the best creative and innovative ideas for effectiveness, efficiency and proximity to citizens. Identify best practices by department for dissemination to others. Define the areas that can be outsourced to the private sector, without penalizing the service provided to citizens.
Realize an inventory of the strengths and weaknesses of different governments at the international level in order to achieve complementarity and a global vision of the use of human, economic, technological, environmental, social and cultural development programs. Form a table of consultation with the common objective of increasing the efficiency of governments to optimally manage public spending. Establish a new universal code of ethics according to the needs of Life so that the Human and the Organization are in harmony with their environment.
Conscientize governments to manage and administer public funds with discernment, by developing laws that are more progressive and appropriate to the real needs of today's life. Rationalize debt so that it becomes known in order to control our destiny and develop effective ways for individuals to contribute directly to its reduction and elimination. Determine a universal code of ethics governing all governments based on a common goal, the global autonomy of individuals. Governments should define their new role as a catalyst for citizens to raise their awareness of the survival of humans and the environment.