The evolutionary human being
at the heart of creativity & innovation
Citizen innovation
Creativity & Innovation
Citizen innovation
In today's global context, citizen innovation is a latent capital with great potential: everyone can contribute to improve the world we live in with simple and inexpensive ideas.
Think about bringing out citizens' ideas through citizen consultation, to help build a different world.
Create creativity centers to harvest and study the best ideas for the common good.
Transform these ideas into services or products so that they become reality.
Realize an inventory of the benefits of citizen innovation around the world, in order to spread them globally.
Conscientize the world to the benefits of the contribution of everyone's talents to the common good.
Organizations have a social and environmental role to play, in addition to economic, to contribute to a balance between the Human, Organization and Life.
Think of a holistic vision of the world for the Organization to nourish Life.
Create an organization that respects its environment and Life, so that each creation already has its future (second life, recycling).
Transform today's Organization into an evolutionary organization that prioritizes the human being and the environment.
Realize a global inventory of organizations with an ethical human and environmental approach.
Conscientize organizations to the benefits of valuing human talents for individual and collective well-being
Awaken the world of research to the crucial needs of the survival of humanity.
Think about the different alternatives to save the planet at all levels (social, environmental, technological, economic ...).
Create meeting places with stakeholders from various horizons on specific objectives, emerging from current issues.
Transform the world of research towards more openness to society in order to find solutions to emerging problems.
Realize a gathering of multicultural researchers to bring out universal solutions to today's issues.
Conscientize those who finance research centres to the imperatives to be respected in order to nourish life.
Sensitize scientists to improve the living conditions on Earth, by prioritizing the human being and his environment with their basic needs.
Think of directing scientific research towards the autonomy of the human being.
Create evolutionary products and services that are in harmony with Life.
Transform the scientific vision of our environment for more citizen proximity.
Realize an avant-garde scientific approach to improve the quality of life in each country.
Conscientize scientists to nourish Life by responding to the needs of Life.
Breaking the isolation and anonymity of inventors so that they can emerge in security, valued and recognized through copyright.
Think about developing strategies to protect inventors through different means to express their ideas worry less.
Create real or virtual places of acceleration of inventions favoring their implementation.
Transform the invention through Family of Enterprises, as a marketing accelerator.
Realize a global overview of inventions that respect Life and can be introduced in other countries.
Conscientize inventors that every invention must have a social, human and environmental element that nourishes Life.
Creativity & Innovation
Today everyone is talking about creativity and innovation, both personal and professional, but for what purpose? They allow us to surpass ourselves, because we all have a latent creative potential within us; but have they improved our quality of life and the social bond between peoples? Aren't they hiding the true place of the human being in her/his life and in Life? What is their role in our personal and professional development?
Think of creativity and innovation that give meaning to our personal and professional actions, which add value to collective well-being. Think of a think tank about the becoming and the future of creativity and innovation.
Create a center that brings together individual and collective talents, then pool them to give meaning to our actions. Determine the source of creativity and innovation (by observation, lack, rupture, inspiration, intuition,…). Teach how to create under pressure (on a daily basis, during a crisis, a job loss, bankruptcy, etc.) to bounce back better. Use tools, such as Operational Creativity Units, Families of Enterprises, the Human Statement and Evolutionary thinking, to recognize and value each person's talents.
Transform organizations into places of creation and its implementation (train intrapreneurs, involve more employees in share holders to feel more invested in creativity and innovation). Encourage individuals and organizations to become more involved in the common good from conception to recycling. Value and recognize all jobs and individuals without discrimination.
Realise out an inventory of organizations and countries which have enabled creativity and innovation to be valued at local, national and international level. List the countries that have best managed crises of all kinds.
Conscientize the actors of the sector to take into account the human factor to create an individual and professional balance. Consider each individual as a creative and innovative being.