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The evolutionary human being
at the heart of health 


Allopathic medicine

Holistic medicine

Life centers

Pharmaceutical industry & Pharmacies




Humans live in tune with their primary needs. However, life is not only governed by the vital needs, but also by the needs of balance and harmony. We are diverted from the essential link between our state of physical, mental and psychological health. We will have to take charge in determining the overall health priorities for the collective well-being. The whole sector of medical thought has been phagocytosed by hyper-specialization considering the human being only through a specialty instead of considering it as a whole. This situation has led to poorly efficient infrastructure requiring huge amounts of money.




Think global preventive health for all age groups without restrictions. The basis of reflection will be based on the essence of the human being and will consider the individual as part of a whole, instead of just looking at the symptoms. Teach global health from the earliest age and throughout life.




Create local medical facilities to maintain a medical presence and better understand patients' histories in order to keep them healthy. Teach the benefits of prevention, as the medical system focuses on healing causes and symptoms rather than on overall healing.




Transform hospitals into Life Centres and illness as a source of reflection for our healing. To become acquainted with a disease is to acquire tools to be an actor of one's health.




Realize an international education system to awaken the consciousness of human beings so that they are aware of the prevention and healing methods developed by our health professionals. (Example the Chinese medical system, which keeps us in balance throughout our life).




Conscientize humanity to a vision and conceptualization of global health as an integral part of the normal path of human beings. Sensitize the Humans to understand the functioning of their physical body according to a global health which is coming from Life. The humans will have to become aware of what animate them and their essence: the link between the soul, the mind and the body, for better health.

Allopathic medicine


Medicine must be on the lookout for the evolution of the human being. This evolution of knowledge and human learning is irreversible, hence the new role of facilitator of allopathic medicine. It responds more to urgency than prevention. Today's medicine will adapt to the new paradigm of an evolutionary world focused on preventing rather than curing.




Think about developing a think tank about prevention, so that we take responsibility facing disease, maintain our independence and improve our quality of life. Allopathic medicine will consider the patient as a whole, in order to achieve overall health.




Create a center of medical innovations focused on the Human allowing us to visualize our well-being in order to reach our physical, psychological and emotional equilibrium. All innovations must be the subject of a consensus developed by a group of health care professionals who will validate practical tools for the well-being of individuals.




Transform the medical industry, robotics and artificial intelligence to make their functioning more human and to keep their purpose in mind: preventive well-being. Raise the awareness of manufacturers and service providers - who often promote short-term profitability - to the long-term bet for the well-being and health of individuals.



Realize a diagnosis of existing problems in health care systems at the international level. Organize international symposia on the balance of the human being and how to maintain good health. Develop a symbiosis between countries about global health, including alternative and allopathic medicines for the evolution of health care.




Conscientize allopathic medicine to the paramount importance of considering the human being as a whole in order to live in harmony with Life. Develop a training program that will make the Human evolve toward greater awareness of his physical body, his psychology and his emotional so that he becomes responsible and thereby autonomous.

Life Centers


Currently, we are living in an era of great transformation in the field of public health. The development of a preventive medical plan is essential to human and collective well-being. Let's transform our hospitals and clinics into Life Centers, in order to put the Human back at the heart of priorities.



Think about redefining medical infrastructures and their purpose for meeting the growing needs of health care. Given funding challenges, overhaul the zero-based medical system to match the new demands of global health. Develop a comprehensive educational and preventive health program serving health organizations and patients.



Create an evolutionary innovative strategy prioritizing the human being, including all the stakeholders of the world of health care to find practical solutions to the real needs of today. Trainers from the world of health care will directly disseminate information and teaching in the Life Centers.



Transform today's hospitals into Life Centers to promote prevention, in the form of satellites located in all cities and regions that will provide the care needed by the surrounding population. Form a mega Life Center by region including all technical and technological infrastructures, attached to satellites.




Realize an international inventory of best medical practices to relieve emergencies. Develop a consultation plan so that all stakeholders in the community collaborate transversally to elucidate emergencies. Create a web diary that will share the discoveries of the world of preventive medicine.



Conscientize decision-makers and medical professionals to cheaper medicine closer to individuals, so that the Life Centers become prevention facilitators and destress the current medical system.

Holistic medicine


The role of holistic medicine is paramount to our balance of life because it considers the individual as a whole. Considering its complementarity with allopathic medicine, it would create a synergy that generates a collective well-being.




Think about grouping the holistic medical world under one roof to create and develop an avant-garde, preventive and curative medicine. Develop centers of awakening to physical and psychological well-being in order to prepare Humans to become masters of their destiny.



Create a holistic center describing the benefits of each of the alternative medicine with practical applications to allow the Human to regain his autonomy. The foundations of holistic medicine come from the approach our ancestors had of self healing, inspired by the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.



Transform the industry's approach by providing professionals in the holistic world with innovations that can help them practice in harmony with Life. Increase the training requirement for community stakeholders so that they are aware of the possible interaction of the various natural products used. Group together all companies in the world of holistic product manufacturing and determine the benefits.




Realize an international study on the best practices of holistic medicine and disseminate the results so that humanity can benefit. Let's capitalize on the countries at the forefront of holistic medicine to improve overall health.



Conscientize the world of holistic medicine to build bridges with allopathic medicine in order to benefit from their complementarity. Ensure that community stakeholders respect an ethics, a code of deontology and have sufficient training to practice with the public.

Pharmaceutical industry 

& Pharmacies


In today's world where human knowledge becomes a priority, pharmaceutical companies need to educate people about the benefits of prevention to the detriment of curing.




Think of developing a preventive strategic plan to ensure that individuals become responsible for their health. Pharmaceutical companies and health care professionals will have to raise their awareness as well as that of patients, in order to reduce the consumption of drugs that can cause harmful side effects to overall health.




Create products and services oriented to the well-being of the individual and not his dependence on the exhaustive consumption of drugs ; work more the cause of illnesses than their effects. List all existing products that create dependency and replace them with natural products to empower individuals and increase their well-being.



Transform the approach of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacies so that they accompany individuals to become actors of their health. Form a consultation table to promote methods of prevention. Develop and publish a list of all existing products causing side effects and addiction issues.




Realize international meetings on preventive medicine to elucidate the growing problem of over consumption of pharmaceuticals. Develop a universal protection association on the world of pharmaceuticals and related drugs, "Greenpeace Health", which alerts on potential dangers. Realize a global comparison between drugs and natural products treating the same diseases.



Conscientize people to a consumption limited to the very essence of the cause of the disease and provide tools of preventive development for the evolution of the Human. Sensitize the population to a personal and collective well-being through an awareness program from pharmacies.

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