The evolutionary human being
at the heart of the environment
Recycle and reuse
Zero waste
Natural resources
Sustainable development
Climate change
Chemical products
How to be proactive, become responsible for our daily actions and get involved in the safeguard of the planet by understanding the messages that nature gives us.
Think about developing concrete and federative actions that allow us to be in synergy with the life around us.
Create a symbiosis between the real needs of life and the four kingdoms mineral, vegetable, animal and homo sapiens.
Transform excessive growth with its harmful consequences, towards a balanced world that nourishes Life.
Realize an international inventory of biodiversity, in order to safeguard it by preventive actions.
Conscientize people and organizations to the role they will have to play in order to preserve the evolution of the planet and contribute to the collective well-being.
Natural resources
The kingdoms dictate the path to follow to maintain a balance of biodiversity. Let's learn about their internal organization in order to benefit from the forces of nature.
Think about feeding natural resources to ensure their continuity and abundance, through better use according to the real needs of Life.
Create remedial innovations to filter polluted waters and lands and rejuvenate forests. Respect the animal kingdom through protected natural parks and fishing quotas. Regenerate our plants that heal us.
Transform the approach of stakeholders of the sector towards a sustainable exploitation of resources through a policy regulating their use, involving governments, investors and industry.
Realize an inventory of natural resources available worldwide to provide concrete solutions to their regeneration and find alternatives that respect the environment.
Conscientize citizens to the need of preserving our natural resources for our survival.
Chemical products
The excessive use of chemicals has become widespread, to the detriment of the preservation of our soils, our health and the kingdoms that surround us.
Think of ecological alternatives to reduce the use of chemicals and preservatives, to safeguard ourselves and our environment.
Create a solidarity accountability pact with industrial and professionals so that they are at the forefront of the preservation of Life.
Transform mentalities towards more products that respect Life, through programs of soil and water remediation. Find natural substitutes for chemicals in cosmetics, food, household products, agriculture ...
Realize a code of deontology and ethics on the depollution of the planet and make a diagnosis by country, in order to spread and generalize the best practices.
Conscientize all stakeholders and consumers to the urgency of being proactive in order to become consum'actors.
Recycle and reuse
Consider and regulate from the conception of products recycling or a second life. Encourage the reduction of non-essential packaging and components.
Think about biodegradable products from the design stage and replace pollutants with natural products.
Create an incubator in the field of recycling which is force of innovative proposals and allows to eliminate any pollution.
Transform disposable mentality towards the preservation of resources in a circular way.
Realize an international round table on the solutions implemented for waste management, in order to generalize best practices.
Conscientize stakeholders and citizens to the need to be proactive individually and collectively, for the preservation of our future.
Sustainable development
Put sustainable development back at the heart of our daily lives in order to realize the benefits.
Think of simple, impactful, nature-based projects that can transform our daily lives in respect of the kingdoms.
Create recovery centers by business sector managed by companies to give a second life to products.
Transform the financial approach of the organizations, by integrating into their balance sheet a contingent liability for the consignment of all their recovered and treated products, by giving a discount to the citizens.
Realize international research and development projects on natural substitutes for pollutants. Ensure that any product placed on the market has its recycling counterpart.
Conscientize organizations and citizens to sustainable development, through training available to all, by becoming an actor of change.
Zero waste
Empower citizens and organizations to take a zero waste approach in all areas of their lives, from product design to consumption, recovery or recycling.
Think about compensating for any element taken from nature for the manufacture of products, in order to nourish the mineral, vegetable, animal kingdoms, by making organizations responsible.
Create a universal consignment program in all areas of activity, to empower manufacturers, contractors and subcontractors.
Transform our behaviors to achieve zero waste, empowering organizations to take back their waste and packaging.
Realize the zero waste from the country of origin of the products, with a universal consignment, taking inspiration from the countries precursors in the waste management.
Conscientize all individuals and organizations to zero waste through all media and social networks to spread best practices and implement them. The best waste is the one that is not produced.
Climate change
The weather events we experience on a daily basis tell us that nothing is granted on Earth and that change is permanent. We must therefore consider the future differently.
Think differently by becoming humble in the face of nature and the elements, to build according to them.
Create an independent observatory that allows us to understand and learn from these events, in order to adapt and evolve.
Transform the world of growth into a world more in tune with the seasons and the resources that remain.
Realize an international forum on how to nourish Life, by placing the kingdoms at the heart of our reflection.
Conscientize people to the shift from financial leverage to natural and responsible lever that respects our environment.
Plastic has become an essential component of our society. Its proliferation in all sectors has resulted in uncontrolled pollution.
Think of less polluting or biodegradable substitutes and educate consumers and businesses about its recovery and recycling.
Create a system of generalized consignment and recovery obliging companies to take back and reuse all plastic products, in order to integrate the consumer into the recycling chain.
Transform the mentality of the industrialists and the manufacturing chain to make them aware of the use of other more ecoresponsible materials. Provide a recovery budget from companies whose products contain mostly plastic.
Realize a round table bringing together consumers, manufacturers and distributors to find technological solutions to eliminate plastic waste.
Conscientize all stakeholders to the need to be more sober on the use of plastic and make consumers more accountable through a universal consignment system.
Water is an essential element of the Human and the environment. However we are exhausting this vital resource for our survival thinking it is unlimited, but half of the planet is currently in short supply of drinking water.
Think about saving water by changing our habits and lifestyles and reducing the consumption of water-intensive industries (livestock, agriculture, textiles, shale gas ...).
Create innovations and technologies able of filtering non-potable water (sea, wastewater, rain ...) for agriculture and make water accessible to all.
Transforming over consumption of humans and organizations into an environmentally responsible world, at all levels of society, to preserve our essential resource for our survival, water.
Realize the great disparities existing between countries in the supply of drinking water to compensate them, financially, technologically and through a transfer of know-how and good practices.
Conscientize people and organizations to the scarcity of water in order to change our behavior to build up reserves and anticipate potential shortages.