The evolutionary human being
at the heart of entrepreneurship
Self-employed workers
Trades & Crafts
SMEs and SMIs
Start up
The Human within the company
Every human being has the responsibility and the duty to undertake his life to become free and autonomous in order to realize himself fully according to what he is.
Think of training programs accessible to all facilitating the act of creating our life, regardless of age and social level, to discover our hidden talents.
Create learning hubs on how to create one's life, with interactive platforms that allow everyone to unlock their potential.
Transform the cartesian and formatted world in which we live in a world more open to entrepreneurship, empowering everyone to undertake their life.
Realize a study of the best international practices implemented, with a classification by country, in order to generalize them.
Conscientize people to the essential need of inventing one's life, considering current and future conditions, in order to regain one's autonomy and freedom.
Self employed workers
The current trend is to shift from wage labour to the self-employed, allowing for greater flexibility, a more adaptable quality of life and being one's own boss.
Think about a forum of exchanges between the needs of the companies and the skills of the self-employed, in order to be in phase with the demand of the market.
Create a multidisciplinary platform bringing together all the self-employed to exchange, break isolation and pool skills.
Transform business habits to make more use of self-employed workers, providing an independent and external perspective.
Realize the growth of self-employed workers at the international level in order to draw lessons and adapt to the new way of working for current and future generations.
Conscientize minds to the major changes in the world of work in order to anticipate them and accompany this transformation.
SMEs and SMIs
The globalization of markets and the speed of technological change impose on SMEs and SMIs a greater capacity to adapt to the multiple administrative, financial, technological, social and environmental constraints.
Think of a charter of values shared by all, based on valuing the creativity of its employees and common sense. Ensure the development of the company by opening the capital stock to employees.
Create Families of Enterprises with complementary partners, owners of their businesses, in order to have the strength of a multinational while keeping the flexibility of a small and medium-sized business.
Transform the relationship with suppliers and customers into partners of our success by asking the first to integrate our vision and the second how to accompany them in their growth.
Realize an international monitoring observatory on the development of SMEs and SMIs in order to adapt best practices according to their activity at the local level. Relocate our delocalisations for a better reactivity.
Conscientize SMEs to the urgency of changing their way of working in isolation, in order to collaborate and pool the resources necessary for their growth.
Start up
At the beginning of a start-up there is an individual or a group of individuals around a dream deeply anchored in them. This idea must give meaning to their life and bring a common good.
Think about a support growth plan with partners who share the same dream, without financial pressure, with mentors detached from financial results.
Create Families of Enterprises to pool skills and knowledge to succeed without debt.
Transform start-ups into evolutionary start-ups that put the human being first in order to create a link for the personal and collective fulfillment of members.
Realize an observatory of start-ups at international level, in order to draw lessons on the direction to take for the future development of start-ups.
Conscientize minds to the reason for being of start-ups and their social, environmental and security footprint and warn of the risk created by a stock market overvaluation that could cause a global crisis.
The Human within
the company
Today more than ever it is necessary to put the human being at the forefront of his life and his business, knowing that we have privileged finance and technology to the detriment of the human being.
As a result the corporate world is rejected for its lack of consideration of the human factor.
Think of the foundations of the company based on the personal achievement and well-being of its members while benefiting the collective. Consider employees as fundamental assets to the life of the company.
Create a Human Statement that promotes the emergence of everyone's talents and Operational Creativity Units to bring out their best ideas for business development and well-being at work.
Transform the company through greater employee participation in decision making, overturn the decision pyramid (bottom up). Build a statement of the aspirations of employees so that they find their rightful place within corporations. Develop creative meetings in the company.
Realize international best practices that prioritize Gross National Happiness over Gross Domestic Product and compare these practices.
Conscientize companies of their interest to favor the development of human beings rather than competitiveness and competition.
Trades & Crafts
Trades & Crafts are becoming increasingly important in our globalized and standardized environment. Let's keep the know-how of all professions in order to transmit them to future generations and to perpetuate them.
Think to restore the pride of the Trades & Crafts and their reason for being, to make them known locally and nationally to support them and facilitate the transfer of skills and knowledge, for the safeguarding of our heritage.
Create meeting places to exchange ideas of valorization and development through a recognition and a pride of belonging to territories and lands that cannot be relocated.
Transform the mentality of speed and automatism towards the safeguarding and the development of the know-how of the Trades & Crafts, through the federations and any other organism valuing them.
Realize an international inventory of Trades & Crafts, which will safeguard the identity and culture of each region and country.
Conscientize individuals, organizations and governments to the sustainability of the professions that give meaning, social connection and nourish life.
Through their strategy of acceleration of mergers and acquisitions, multinationals have control of multiple sectors of activity. Their position of strength has turned them into powerful lobbies. This strength can be used as driving force for the growth of individuals and society and to be at the forefront of environmental protection.
Think about relocating their activities closer to their consumers and interests in order to be closer to them and to work in a local network, in order to meet the new needs of the consum'actor.
Create Operational Creativity Units to bring out the talents of their employees and train them into intrapreneurs to empower them and become actors of their lives.
Transform the minds of multinationals to work with small and medium-sized businesses in Families of Enterprises to leverage results and share revenues with them.
Realize an international diagnosis on the control exercised by the multinationals over the natural resources by country, in order to give back to the target country a royalty of exploitation or a co-construction.
Conscientize directors and boards to the ethical values of respect for the kingdoms and the environment, through the different media so that they become responsible for their actions.