The evolutionary human being
at the heart of geopolitics
Universal continents
North America
Latin America
Challenges of tomorrow
Universal continents
Economic development has always been the priority of the countries, with the objective of growth. Now the globalization of unlimited markets has led to uncontrolled over-indebtedness. This growth was built without taking into account the equilibrium of the kingdoms, hence the gross imbalance between the countries that own the natural resources and those who exploit them. Instead of cohabiting with the kingdoms and feeding them to ensure their survival, we wanted to impose our law by over-exploitation.
Think of an evolutionary universal strategy which takes into account the interrelation between the Human, the Organization and Life, through an independent organization "Council of the Wise" which proposes measures allowing to rebalance the disparities of the continents (food, natural resources, sanitary, educational ...), to empower them with their peers, nature and life.
Create an evolutionary universal human standard that prioritizes the Human and the environment for their preservation.
Transform the mentality of capitalist over consumption towards the preservation of our environment. Rebalance the distribution of universal natural resources through an exchange of good practices to bring about a universal collective well being.
Realize programs of awareness and evolution of countries according to their level of development and skills. For example, analyze international food surpluses and redistribute them in countries in default with a non-financial counterpart according to their strengths (know-how).
Conscientize the continents to protect the environment according to the needs of Life and the kingdoms, by forming a universal global plan which will consider the kingdoms and their evolution facing that of the Human. Raise awareness about the benefits of each culture so that humans can recognize their reason for being.
Asia is the continent that has experienced the strongest growth since the beginning of this century, supported by the massive relocation of western companies and a boom in Asian exports to these new markets. Today the Asia has become a universal commercial and monetary power by taking its place and aspiring to conquer the planet. The collaterals of this growth being mass pollution, some Asian countries are forced to take drastic measures to remedy it.
Think of a return to the source, with a daily practice of the oriental philosophical principles of the respect for Life, integrated at the personal, organizational, national and continental level. Thanks to these qualities, the Asian continent can bring a greater insight on its impact on human development on earth in the future.
Create a program of creativity and innovation inspired by their demographic and geographical specificities in order to improve universal wellbeing. Asians will have to return to the source of their creativity and orient their industries and services according to their origins.
Transform their business model based on the manufacturing and processing of other continents in order to refocus on their intrinsic values. Asian companies will have to adjust their objectives and missions to a collective well-being to develop know-how in harmony with life. Create trade fairs bringing together local and national companies and industries to highlight their best practices.
Realize a plan outlining the guiding principles that can be conveyed in other continents as the source of their future development as a people, nation and universe. Realize an international round table on the evolutionary principles of the Asians of tomorrow, allowing Westerners to understand their teaching and the means to achieve it. Organize a yearly summit with international stakeholder groups to deliberate on the different avenues that the East would take for the development of its countries.
Conscientize Asians to their forerunner role as a continent in the face of the demographic and environmental challenge that awaits them, instead of focusing on a predominant and a conquering spirit, for their enrichment. Act in complementarity with other continents in order to work towards a global balance.
The African continent is a under the influence of other continents; it is necessary that it liberates itself in order to regain full control of its destiny. Africa is a rich in culture, creativity and natural resources. A greater synergy should be created through complementary alliances between all the continent's actors so that they can master and find their rightful place on the world stage according to their own identity.
Think an African development policy by safeguarding the identity of each country while making an African common front gathering the strengths of each, through a common currency.
Create an African financial center that meets all the challenges of today: education, entrepreneurship, food, health, social, infrastructure and the environment. Implement Operational Creativity Units for citizens by country in order to bring back the best practices in all sectors of activity, for the common good.
Transform the approach of African companies to break the isolation and bring out the pioneers through an entrepreneurial scholarship by country. Build Families of Enterprises around specific projects, to give them the power of large groups able to meet international demands, while keeping the flexibility of SME-SMI.
Realize the strengths and weaknesses of each African country in order to create a common front to find solutions to urgent issues by country, by developing a master plan giving useful tools to the continent to become self-sufficient and develop a greater complicity between nations. Conduct annual assessments to bring and exchange best practices by country for the benefit of all the countries of the continent.
Conscientize the African continent to the need to assert itself as a united nation and make each country responsible for its economic, environmental, social and cultural self-sufficiency.
North America
North America represents the pioneering spirit, the feeling that everything is possible, from which it is easy to undertake and create one's life for millions of people who have left their countries to build North America. However, this spirit has prioritized profitability and over-consumption financed by credit accessible to all, at the price of letting go of public and personal debt.
Think about elaborating a reflection on the global economic, technological, social and environmental situation in order to awaken consciences to the need of harmonious human development with Life. State, provincial and federal governments will need to engage in much more active and interactive thinking between the real needs of Life and the real needs of expansion and controlled growth.
Create an observatory of creativity that brings to the continent a collective well-being based on the economy, environment, technology, politics, culture in accordance with the needs of Life. The two national governments have developed primarily on the basis of over-consumption and economic growth rather than focusing on the creation of new services and products based on human and environmental well-being.
Transform the approach of organizations through a Human Statement with indicators that value people’s talents instead of focusing exclusively on the financial balance. Design a foresight program for organizations to understand and learn from their past experiences and adapt their development in accordance with the real needs of Life.
Realize bridges with other continents so necessary in a globalized context to bring greater mutual understanding. Through a diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of each continent, develop a comprehensive complementary strategy that defines our positioning and act accordingly. Develop an avant-garde program that will enable us to be a pillar at the global level in individual, social, environmental, security, technological, economic and cultural development.
Conscientize North Americans to the importance of other continents for global balance. The biggest challenge today lies in understanding the complementarity of the five continents for the very essence of our survival.
This is the first time that a group of countries has united around a single currency the Euro, in order to develop a common market and in this respect this union is remarkable. Europe must become aware of its creative and innovative potential and define a new global vision to bring greater awareness of the evolution of humans, organizations and Life to the global community, through its historical legacy and its cultural diversity.
Think of a think-tank towards a federation of the members of the European Union, including an action plan with deadlines to respect for their implementation, by developing a majority consensus (51% of the votes ) involving all European countries on elements to be shared and harmonized (economy, environment, taxation, finance, technology, culture, debt, security). Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each country and the common philosophy that can be reached to bring humans and states to grow in harmony with the needs of Life, in order to reinvent the new Europe.
Create a European Creativity & Innovation Center within the common market, established by a neutral master builder to develop the synergy of the various member states towards the creation of products and services oriented around the well-being of the Human, Organization and Life. The integration of this new federal Europe should aim at all creation and innovation that can be developed in harmony with life and capitalize on these products and services in order to bring universal well-being, to become a model vis-à-vis other continents.
Transform organizations so that they become evolutionary taking into consideration the real needs of Life. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each country involved in the European Union in order to put the Human in the heart of the Organization and the country. Develop organizations that enable people to create for a common purpose based on economic, technological, environmental and cultural development that meet the needs of Life.
Realize a common vision of the European Union on the future of technology, environment, economy, security and social. Compare this global vision with the vision of other continents to create a synergy, a well-being and a world balance in the face of growth. Federate the continents towards common global objectives to govern the evolution of all the humans, in the respect of all the kingdoms.
Conscientize the member states on their role to play as moderator on the world chessboard to avoid the confrontations of the dominant countries, in order to become the cornerstone of the better living together on a planetary level. Cultivate European humanism so that it becomes a model of harmony and respect.
Latin America
Extremely rich continent in raw materials, culture and spirituality by the ancient civilizations, Latin America is united by mainly one language (except Brazil). The North American hold was predominant, leaving the Latin American countries dependant. On the other hand, global insecurity has created solidarity and better understanding between the countries of the continent. Because of the difficulties encountered, these countries have developed a high entrepreneurial spirit that can become a model for other continents.
Think of a strategy that restores autonomy to the continent by bringing together avant-garde individuals and organizations in order to establish a clear vision and concrete objectives for the future according to the bridges to be established between the countries. Establish a fair political and judicial system based on sustainable human development and respect for the ecosystem.
Create bridges between countries beyond political alliances and an evolutionary center that will contribute to sustainable economic growth based on the strengths of each country in order to mutualize them and benefit the whole continent.
Transform the approach of private and governmental enterprises to create a synergy and a common vision of their development, to be shared with other countries. Encourage entrepreneurship by creating a tax-free status to reduce mass unemployment. Bring out talents through citizen innovation to help communities self-manage and communicate good practices through social networks.
Realize the strength of the continent and showcase it to others. Develop a global vision of the continent in order to elucidate existing imminent problems and to bring viable and permanent practical solutions to their economic and environmental development. Agree and develop a common global policy unifying economic, security, environmental and cultural development in comparison with other continents.
Conscientize peoples to the current issues, security, pollution, environment, justice and politics. Go beyond local conflicts to realize the wealth and potential of the continent, so that Latin America is recognized as a stakeholder in global development.
By its geographical isolation, Oceania shows us a different way of doing things; it has developed its reason for being around prevention (environment, biodiversity, marine resources ...). The diversity of its population gives it its wealth and can thus serve as a model for a better vision on the evolution of the Human and the kingdoms with the aim of preserving the environment. Currently, Oceania's main challenges are climate change, the over-exploitation of coal in Australia and the double-edged partnership with China.
Think to develop a think-tank on the implementation of evolutionary environmental and kingdom policies, through a futuristic vision of the protection of the environment, Oceania being an important player in the preservation of the planet.
Create a Creativity center grouping innovations and inventions based on the well-being of the community, open to all citizens through a collaborative platform. Enhance their social, cultural, economic, technological and environmental development according to the needs of Life.
Transform companies involved in environmental protection to make organizations aware of future well-being by creating evolutionary families of enterprises whose priority will be to save the planet and make a direct contribution to collective well-being.
Realize a development strategy for the preservation of natural resources and forests in order to safeguard the autonomy of the countries facing foreign investors. Accelerate the energy transition to eliminate coal and become an international model of sustainable development.
Conscientize organizations to learn from the experience of other continents in the energy field and the safeguarding of biodiversity, through a strategic plan and a code of ethics, to make a common front in Oceania.
Challenges of tomorrow
The main current challenges we have to deal with are the migratory crisis due to climate conflicts and disasters, climate change, which accentuates natural upheavals, countries' over-indebtedness that can lead to a serious financial crisis, trade wars that build walls instead of crossovers between country, the conquest of space to control the planet from the excessive growth of military budgets and the possible drifts of digital and artificial intelligence that try to redefine the Human.
Think of an international center of reflection that determines the source of our ills and scourges, in order to find practical solutions with a timetable of application (over consumption, power, infinite growth without awareness, exploitation of migrants, over exploitation of natural resources, drifts of digital and artificial intelligence ...).
Create a center of evolutionary creativity that allows everyone to express themselves and submit solutions to problems experienced, through an interactive platform (live according to one’s means, reasoned growth, nourish Life, respect the kingdoms and seasons ... ).
Transform the Human and the Organization according to the needs of Life and not exclusively to human needs: to nourish Life (reduce, recycle and reuse).
Realize that the planet has its limits and that any new product put on the market must be part of a perpetual cycle of recovery, recycling or second life (for example, by obligation of the manufacturer or supplier to take back his used product through consignment).
Conscientize the Human and the Organization to the ephemeral side of the planet in order to become responsible and assume their actions for the survival of humanity.