The evolutionary human being
at the heart of the art of living
Cultivate happiness
Art of living
Local products
Sustainable tourism
Cultivate happiness
The current life with its many solicitations from all sides is not very favorable to take time for oneself. Let's take the time to cultivate our happiness.
Think about the happiness of tomorrow in order to connect to the essential: spend quality time with others, reconnect with oneself and the life around us.
Create events and meeting places allowing us to enrich our daily life to facilitate inner peace.
Transform the world of work through days devoted to Happiness at work, allowing individuals to express themselves on their vision of happiness.
Realize that happiness is within us and learn from countries whose culture of happiness is part of their daily lives and their habits and customs.
Conscientize the human beings that happiness starts from oneself to reach an inner peace and then to radiate around us.
Art of living
This ancestral art has lost its essence; it is necessary to reinvent it around sharing, exchanges and a real passion.
Think about the Art of Living around the conviviality between people and the understanding of oneself and others.
Create a festival of the cultures of the Art of Living to develop an enthusiasm to promote sharing and meetings with others.
Transform the Organization so that it integrates the Art of Living into its daily life by developing places of exchange and meetings and a sense of belonging.
Realize a cultural comparison of the traditions of the Art of Living by country to better understand and learn about the benefits of different cultures.
Conscientize people and organizations around federative events that transform our approach towards others.
Gastronomy represents the color of regions and countries with the diversity of flavors. In addition to fulfilling a vital function, it is an opportunity for sharing and pleasure.
Think of a local gastronomy to value the terroirs in harmony with nature, respecting the seasonal products.
Create a discovery tour through the flavors and colors of each region or country, to learn about the places visited.
Transform fast food into a gastronomic fast food adapted to each region and favoring local products.
Realize a global experience integrating service, pleasure of eating, discoveries of new flavors and international colors associated with their benefits.
Conscientize to the awakening of our five senses through gastronomy, by the flavors, colors, food forms and presentation of food in order to be in harmony with life.
Local products
Valorize and enrich the terroirs in the respect of their environment by using products that nourish Life.
Think about introducing ancestral methods respecting arable land to preserve future generations.
Create natural foods without chemical additives via biodynamics and natural fertilizers with local food suppliers by informing the consumer so that he becomes a consum’actor.
Transform the approach of the actors of the sector by showing them the interest to use products of origin (unprocessed) in order to keep the nutrients and flavors intact and to respect nature and Life.
Realize the benefits of local products of each region and country in order to bring added value to their development and solve unresolved problems.
Conscientize the consumer to become a consum’actor in order to be part of the food chain for his well-being.
Sustainable tourism
Mass tourism causes a degradation of the places visited. Sensitize the sector to the respect of sites and countries for the benefit of all.
Think about raising awareness and informing tourists - as soon as they arrive at airports and train stations - about respect for the environment.
Create information centers in accommodation and touristic places on the responsibility and the role of the tourist on the local environment.
Transform the approach of the future tourist before his departure on his sustainable approach to his destination through the tour operators, travel agencies and websites concerned.
Realize what are the best practices at the forefront of the preservation of tourist sites by country, in order to generalize them.
Conscientize tourists to become responsible to preserve and enrich tourist attractions for future generations.
Encourage the festivities that energize and federate around an event bringing personal and collective joy.
Think about unifying and exciting themes that enhance the territory through its local colors.
Create themes bringing an awakening to the beauty of Life and Nature by introducing all the arts.
Transform the approach of companies so that they realize interactive festivities which federate their employees around the art of living.
Realize the interest of enriching oneself with the festivities of the world to better understand different cultures.
Conscientize people on the benefits of festivities on the bond that unifies the different cultures.